Tuesday, March 6, 2007


They have told me that the human be can DIE more than hundred time!!! I didn't believe that tell I DIED more than thousand time!!!

I died when you KILLED me by your kind...
I died when you made me BELIVE your promises...
I died when you ACCUSED me of something I didn't do...
I died when you LEFT me alone in the dark...
I died when you DENIED me and keep acting that u still want me...
I died when you are CELEBRATING your life while you watching my tears...
I died when I saw your REAL FACE for the first time...
I died when I discovered how CRUEL life is...
I died when I realized that all my MEMORIES were just PEOPLE ACTING....
I died when I discovered that I am a BIG FOOL...

Is it that easy when people treat you as a dead person!!! I decided to live again to have another chance for better DEATH!!! But tell that I'm suffering my life... Every time I pass in a place where we used to go together...when you said a word that you used to say... the pictures, messages and calls...every thing in my life going to reminds you of me, SORRY I mean remind me of you...

I used to have a place to go when I am sad...
A chest to cry on when I feel bad...
A hug when I feel alone...
A hand that can left me up every time I am down...

I used to feel in those days that I'm in the safest place on the earth, with the kindness person in the world!!!

How can I forget.. And how did they can forget all of that, is it that much easy...
Shall I wait them to come back to me?
Can I trust them again...
IF they come back? Shall I forgive them...
I don't know the answer yet!!! But what im sure about that tell now they still in my life, and i wont them out even keeping them here in my life killing me softly...
I'm going to wait for new actors for my play to help me to forget who killed me softly, even i wont forget them...

And finally I DIED when I REALIZED the SIMPLE TRUTH!!!

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